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April 05, 2013
Jeremy Irons: F*ck Michael Bloomberg
Well, it's strongly implied.
“I’m a complete libertarian. I think it’s very, very dangerous. I really mean that. I think the smoking ban is a tip of an iceberg of society — the leaders of society telling us how to be,” he said during an interview on HuppPost Live
“I think it’s not their business. I think it is their business to tell us to care for and respect each other and each other’s happiness and each other’s health, and we are responsible enough to do that,” he adds.
The Three Musketeers have all expressed some kind of conservative/libertarian politics. Jeremy Irons is the third. I'm referring to the Three Musketeers in Randal Wallace's Man in the Iron Mask, a so-so 1998 remake.
Athos, John Malkovich, almost punched a guy for suggesting America deserved 9/11, shortly after the attacks. And he almost did this in France, where he lives. So, he was pushing against local weather patterns.
Porthos, Gerald Depardieu, quit his native France to move to Russia (???!!) to escape the socialist's millionaire tax.
And now Aramis, Jeremy Irons, outs himself as a full-on libertarian.
Randall Wallace himself has been accused of... well, a Salon critic claimed his movie Secretariat was....
"[S]ymbolic window dressing for a quasi-inspirational fantasia of American whiteness and power."
And what's worse:
Wait. There is yet another sinister subtext to be exposed in the film. O'Hehir mentions that Randall Wallace, who directed the film, "is one of mainstream Hollywood's few prominent Christians, and has spoken openly about his faith and his desire to make movies that appeal to 'people with middle-American values'."
Dear Lord, how did we let this happen?
That link is to Roger Ebert criticizing how kookoocrazy Salon's movie idiot is. When you've lost Roger Ebert, you've gone too far.