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April 04, 2013
Kathy Boudin, Columbia Professor: The Whole Story
And it's a very ugly story.
The Days of Rage scared off much of the mainstream support for the SDS, leaving only the most radical. In December of 1969, the SDS War Council was held in Flint, Michigan. Largely led by members of the Weather Underground, what came to be known as the Flint War Council meeting was the rhetorical stage for much of the bloodshed that was to come.
Over three hundred people attended, including Kathy Boudin and future Obama neighbors Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who were both extremely active Weather Underground leaders. Decisions were made to ‘go underground’ and to launch an offensive against the United States. At one point, they discussed whether white babies were valid targets and Boudin gave a speech referring to mothers of white babies as ‘pig mothers.’
For the War Council event, the group hung posters of their heroes, including Lenin and Mao. They also put bullets on posters of people they hated and reviled, including Ronald Reagan and Sharon Tate. Tate was the pregnant actress who had been murdered by the Manson family. Bernadine Dorhn praised Charles Manson and his group’s horrific Tate-LaBianca murders to the attendees of the War Council: “First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the pig Tate's stomach! Wild!”
Stranhan's article includes a reference to "The Aristocracy of the Left." Those are well-chosen words-- these people are largely wealthy, which accounts for their ability to get early parole without renouncing their hateful, violent beliefs, and garner university positions without anyone bothering to note the names of the middle- and lower-class plebians they may have murdered in their quest for self-actualization.
Boudin's parents are Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, who were members of the violent 1960s radical group the Weather Underground. They are in prison for their part in the murder of two police officers and a guard as the result of a robbery of a Brinks armored car in New York at the late, unradical date of 1981. The Times, while having space to describe the origin of Chesa's unusual name—Swahili for "dancing feet"—apparently didn't have room for the names of the men murdered. They were Sgt. Edward O'Grady, police officer Waverly Brown, and Brinks guard Peter Paige. You can read more about them at www.ogradybrown.com. Nor does the Times mention the obvious point that the nine children left fatherless that day—the youngest was 6 months old—have also missed the pleasure of having their fathers see their accomplishments over the years.
Last week, AllahPundit wrote:
Incidentally, there’s another reason why the Weathermen honor roll may have gotten a little more leeway from liberal intellectuals than, say, Ward Churchill has: To varying degrees, they’re all children of privilege. Ayers’s father went on to become the head of one of Illinois’s biggest utilities; his friendship with the head of a major Chicago law firm later helped Dohrn land a job during her post-Weathermen phase. Boudin grew up in Manhattan, went to Bryn Mawr, and then wrangled a lighter sentence for herself then her accomplices in the Brinks job got thanks to help from one of her father’s law partners. These connections were their conduit back into polite liberal society (polite enough for Ayers to make the acquaintance of a future president) and made them “respectable” enough to employ at places like Columbia. Class warriors that they are, I wonder how much they enjoy the irony.
There's actually a good talking point for these murderers and bombers there. If they wish to prove the US is ruled by the wealthy aristocracy, and pampers the children of the wealthy and well-connected while ignoring the lower-class victims of their murders, they could cite the most compelling evidence of all: Their own murders, their own forgotten victims, and their own re-entrance into polite society without even the pretense of remorse.
But oddly enough, they don't mention that.