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March 25, 2013
Top Headline Comments 3-25-13
Happy Monday.
The Supreme Court will hear the Prop 8 case Tuesday and the DOMA case Wednesday. Here's an outline of how the Court could rule. But what if the Chief Justice decides it's a tax, or something?
Many of the Sunday shows were discussing the issue. Sen. Paul had previously suggested that the government shouldn't be in the marriage business. Yesterday he also said that the federal government shouldn't be telling the states what to do on marriage.
The FDA is still trying to expand its authority to regulate cigars.
A pal of mine put together an outstanding guide to the various immigration reform proposals detailing their similarities and differences. The Gang of Eight plan looks better than both the White House's and Sen. Paul's, and ain't that a kick in the pants.
The IRS wasted a pile of money on a Star Trek parody video.
And, just so you're sure you're living in a crapsack world, a 58-year-old man was exonerated after 23 years in prison. Two days later, he suffered a massive heart attack.
Oh, but this is cool. Astronomers got an infrared snap-shot of an object, either a planet or a failed star, in orbit around a binary system.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:47 AM
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