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March 20, 2013
Stories Of Heroism From Iraq
10 years ago the US and its allies began Operation Iraqi Freedom. Whatever else one thinks of the war, the cost or it's still yet to be fully determined effects, one can not do anything by stand in awe of a generation of American men and women who answered the call to serve their country.
Katherine Miller of the Washington Free Beacon has put together a list of 8 stories of honor, devotion and service you might not have heard or have forgotten. They stand simply as examples for the tens of thousands of acts that will only be known to those who committed, witnessed and were changed by them.
Here's one, please take some time to read the rest.
Navy Hospital Corpsman Chris Walsh and the three Marines he was with in June 2006 were not looking for a baby. After a roadside bomb disrupted their routine patrol in Fallujah, an Iraqi woman flagged the group, repeating over and over, “Baby. Baby sick.” The girl, Mariam, was born with her bladder outside her body.
Determined to help her, Walsh took photos to show to a doctor back at camp. Mariam would need surgery in the United States, the doctor said. At night, Walsh and the group of Marines returned to the home each week to administer some kind of aid to the girl in hopes of staving off infections while Walsh and others searched for a solution to send her stateside.
When Walsh and two of three Marines were killed by a roadside bomb in September 2006, the other Marines in their battalion undertook Walsh’s efforts, ultimately finding a way to send Mariam to Boston in October 2006 for a successful surgery.
Some will try to make Abu Gharib the legacy of the War in Iraq and portray the veterans as dangerous victims to be pitied and feared. We must remember that the men and women who fought in Iraq are heroes who are worth inheritors of a line that dates back through Vietnam, two world wars and many other fights all the way to George Washington and the American Revolution.

posted by DrewM. at
01:11 PM
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