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March 08, 2013
Cardinals Set for March 12 Conclave to Elect New Pope
Via Le Figaro:
Le conclave qui sera chargé de désigner un successeur au pape Benoit XVI débutera le mardi 12 mars, a annoncé le Vatican.
"La huitième congrégation générale du collège des cardinaux a décidé que le conclave pour l'élection du pape débutera mardi 12 mars", selon un communiqué du Vatican. Le matin, sera célébrée dans la Basilique Saint-Pierre la messe "pro eligendo pontifice" puis "dans l'après-midi l'entrée des cardinaux en conclave", a précisé le Vatican.
Oh I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot I speak English too. Sorry, you know, I just casually read Le Figaro now so I tend to forget. One language is just like another to moi. (lights pipe, pulls the bell for the butler to carry the match off to the Match Recycling Container)
(Actually today was the first day I thought to try that and I saw the story there first so I figured I'd just do this Attitudinal joke.)
At Hot Air;
“The eighth General Congregation of the College of Cardinals has decided that the Conclave will begin on Tuesday, 12 March 2013.
“A “pro eligendo Romano Pontifice” Mass will be celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica in the morning. In the afternoon the cardinals will enter into the Conclave.”
The Anchoress has some speculations (or at least some inclinations) regarding the next pope.
She's talking about "youth and energy" in the next Pope, which makes him sound a bit like he's being pushed by the Entertainment industry, but I suppose that's an appealing thing for people who are themselves younger.