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McCain, Graham Need to End the Super-Hawk Crap If They Want Any Kind of Hawkishness In American Foreign Policy At All »
March 08, 2013
The Only Cuts the White House Has Proposed For Its Own Budget Are Those Tours
Nothing else. They're required by law to trim $24 million out of a budget of $711 million (a bit less than a billion just for the White House's internal expenses?) and so far the only thing they can think to cut are the ones that will Bother The Public.
Big props to the @benk84, who is heroically still posting headlines (albeit fewer) in the face of the sequester, for also noting that the White House hopes< but can't guarantee, that another Make the Children Cry stunt won't come to pass-- cancelling the Easter Egg hunt.
Even the New York Times asks:
So the president’s White House advisers are going to have to confront the question of how, or whether, to adjust his family’s activities. Should they go to Martha’s Vineyard? Will Michelle Obama and the couple’s daughters avoid trips like the ski vacation they took to Aspen last month? And what about the golf that Mr. Obama frequently plays at the nearby Joint Base Andrews?
Corrected: I originally wrote that the White House was planning to cut the Easter Egg hunt. In fact, this proposal was tossed out by a reporter. Jay Carney said they plan to keep the Easter Egg hunt on the face of these "severe" cuts.
But who knows. They're so severe, who can say.