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Overnight Open Thread (2-26-2013) - Shittiest Airplane Wi-Fi Ever Edition »
February 26, 2013
Compare the Pittance of "Cuts" (to the Rate of Growth, Only) with the Enormous New Spending Coming Down the Pike
1. Sequestration cuts of $85 billion are impossibly painful, the equivalent of asking Uncle Sam to perform an appendectomy on himself with a nail file, but
2. ObamaCare adding $6.2 trillion to the deficit - nearly 75 times the size of the sequester - is no big deal...
I agree with Rush -- for the first time in my life, I'm ashamed of my country.
Or, at least, not proud. It's a country like any other, filled with the same sort of greedy, lazy, ill-educated fools as you can find anywhere.
Obama's creed always held that America wasn't an exceptional nation. To their great discredit, the country proved him ultimately right.