« Why Is Obama Going Ahead With the SOTU as Chris Dorner Burns Down His Hideout? |
Overnight Open Thread (2-12-2013) »
February 12, 2013
Obama SOTU/Chris Dorner Manhunt Open Thread

Created by @notoserfdom.
Yes, alas, it's an Open Thread, and not a liveblog. I don't really feel like listening to this imbecilic gasbag. I asked around but no one else has much interest, either.
I proposed liveblogging the Derp song for as long as Obama spoke but that idea sounds cuter than it would be in practice.
Meanwhile, Ben Carson says he doesn't care if telling Obama the truth is found by some to be "offensive."
By the way, supposedly MSNBC is prepared to do the old split-screen if there's some breaking news in the Chris Dorner matter. They don't want to, of course. But they claim they're prepared to do so.
CNN/Chris Dorner Update: No, Anderson Cooper did not ask if it's harder to find a black man at night. See the "red flag" at the end.
I only say this because for five magical seconds I believed this was true, and I briefly lived in a wonderful world in which Cooper would be fired or suspended or at least painfully embarrassed tomorrow a.m., and then I realized "Wait, that's ridiculous, that couldn't possibly have happened," and then I was rudely torn from that magical place.
I watched 15 minutes of it (before the tweet) and he didn't say that at least in that timeframe.
So I wanted to spare you from similar disappointment.