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February 11, 2013
CNN's Don Lemon: We Must Take Seriously Chris Dorner's "Not Crazy" Manifesto
Ex-Girfriend: Chris Dorner is "Twisted" and "Super-Paranoid"
Different perspectives.
Don Lemon is a hyperpartisan leftist who has Sympathy for a Devil because he wrote a screed that, while probably all made up, nevertheless satisfies the threshold to engage tribal racial and political loyalties.
On the other hand, someone who had to deal with this psychopathic serial killer (have we lost our minds? he's a serial killer) pronounces him crazy.
In the web posting, Dorner is described as "severely emotionally and mentally disturbed," ''twisted" and "super paranoid." It also said he flashed his police badge on their first date, lives with his mother and hates himself for being black — at one point asking her to act more like a white woman.
"Just be careful because this guy is a police officer and he will probably think that he can get away with anything. ... If you value your sanity, stay away from this guy."