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February 11, 2013
Top Headline Comments 2-11-13
Pope Benedict XVI will step down as of February 28th for health reasons. The last pope to step down was Pope Gregory XII in 1415, under rather different circumstances.
Charles C. W. Cooke has an excellent read over at NRO about Rep. Markey (likely soon-to-be Sen. Markey) and his hysterical obsession with bringing roller coasters under federal regulation.
LATimes is reporting that murderer Chris Dorner is the first domestic human target for drones. Apparently CBP, which has a half-dozen drones for border surveillance, is keeping a look-out for Dorner trying to cross to Mexico.
The White House is trying to force Republicans to negotiate on sequester-avoiding tax hikes. Part of that effort is, apparently, calling on federal agencies to make some fairly incredible claims, like for example the USDA, which says sequestration will cause an immediate two-week shutdown of the meat industry. The lie here is that furloughs would have to take place immediately, that they would have to cover all employees simultaneously, and that they would have to be consecutive, rather than spread out over the rest of the fiscal year.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:47 AM
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