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February 09, 2013
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Galvanizing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast
He heckled the grieving president. How rude.
As far as his background -- he's a legitimately gifted surgeon, specializing in pediatric neurology. He has the distinction of being the first surgeon to successfully separate Siamese twins. (He realized he could put them into hypothermic arrest at the key part of the surgery, when the twins would otherwise bleed out on the table, as previous separated-Siamese Twins had.)
I mention that because people are saying "Carson for President!" and I was just curious about whether that seems feasible.
Status: Feasible
Downside: It's "rude" to say what you believe in front of the Liberal Christ, before whom you must bow and quaver
Other Downsides: Lose the goatee, Hippie. This isn't a Jefferson Airplane concert. Serious men have serious facial hair or, preferably, serious clean-shaving.
Carson said he didn't want to run... but did allow "if the Lord grabbed me by the collar and made me do it, I would."
Lovely Bio:
[Carson's mother] required book reports from her boys every week, which would be returned to them corrected, at which point they would get a new assignment with direction to improve. They found out years later that friends of their mother from church were correcting the reports, as their mother could not read. Amazing woman, raised amazing men.
thanks to barbarausa.
Videos Deleted: We're getting a malware warning and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it. Apparently, this malware, us.bernenverein.ch (don't click on that) is on a lot of sites.
I'm still asking around.