� Howie Kurtz: Why Should The Media Care That Spree-Killer Chris Dorner Is a Huge, Huge Fan of Ours? |
Overnight Open Thread (8 Feb 2013) �
February 08, 2013
Are You a Geek? If So, TV's Here to Help
Gabe said "there are some interesting pilots slated for the fall," and I was going to say "LIAR!!"
But, if you're geeky, then this is just an embarrassment of riches.
I haven't seen this kind of sci-fi/fantasy/Android Cop kind of schedule since I was younger told by a much-older brother about the sci-fi/superhero craze of the late seventies which I totally know nothing about first hand being far too young to have seen it firsthand.
Eh, I don't want to encourage people to watch TV. But you don't listen to me anyway.
Is this all, ultimately because of Doctor Who? I don't watch a lot of TV (he lied) but I'm having trouble of thinking of other big-hit sci-fi/fantasy shows that would justify this newest craze.
Maybe the Hunger Games plus Twilight? Or them, plus the Marvel movies?
The reason I mention Doctor Who is just my personal memory -- when I started watching it, after years of avoiding that type of show, I thought, "Oh right, I used to like this sort of action-adventure-fantasy sort of thing, so long ago."
So long ago, when my much-older brother (seriously, there was like a 10 year gap, at least; maybe 20) relayed the plots of old episodes of the Six Million Dollar Man.