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February 02, 2013
Guns & Hunting Thread Extra (2/2/2013)
Support Those Who Support You
I was going to compile a list of anti-second amendment organizations, but the NRA has a good one. It's longer than one of Ace's movie reviews but well worth a scan as you decide how to spend your scarce dollars in the Obamaconomy.
And speaking of movie reviews, I'd suggest that someone starring in a feature called "Bullet to the Head" should STFU about gun control.
If the Hollywood types want certain guns banned, they should set an example and stop depicting them in movies. I won't be holding my breath.
No, Dummies, It's Heckler & Koch
We've had several posts on the pernicious media lie about the father of a Newtown shooting victim supposedly being heckled at a hearing. Erik Wemple at the Washington Post committed a surprising act of journalism concerning this brouhaha by watching the whole video and documenting how reserved and polite the second amendment supporters in the audience were despite all the anti-gun statements being made during the hearing.
After each of those calls for gun control, Heslin got the full attention of his audience. No interruptions, no heckling, no nothing. It’s only after he twice calls on the audience to rebut his opinions about assault rifles that he draws some audience participation. Had multiple news outlets not mischaracterized the session as a hecklefest, it might well have stood as a model of civil and patient discussion of a pressing public matter.
It's worth a read, and kudos to Wemple for swimming against the tide of propaganda being pushed by his profession.
Speaking of Media Lies ...
Steve Capus resigned as head of NBC News. I don't know if he "resigned" or "was resigned" but I don't particularly care. He's been at the helm of NBC's rather creative video editing that strangely run in the direction of overtly supporting the left and, particularly, Obama.
Need to brand the Tea Party as violent racists? How better to do it than to show a lawful gun owner carrying a rifle at a rally and cutting the video so the viewer can't tell he's black?
Want to help Obama fan the flames about his imaginary dead son? Cut a 9-1-1 tape to make it sound like George Zimmerman just volunteered that the kid was black instead of replying to the 9-1-1 operator's question.
And even though they were caught, they duplicated this last trick with the "heckling" video.
Now, Capus wasn't literally sitting in the video edit bay as all this happened ... as far as I know ... but he set the direction of the organization. Unfortunately, this direction is unlikely to change with his replacement. I imagine NBC is just moving to hire a better liar.
I'll be back with the regular G&H thread tomorrow, but I wanted to get some of the lefty politics and media (BIRM) stuff out of the way today. Turkey season approaches, and the politics has been edging out the important things we need to discuss.
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
Defend the Second Amendment. Join: The National Rifle Association * Gun Owners of America * The National Shooting Sports Foundation * Your state's second amendment org.