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January 23, 2013
House Voting On Debt Ceiling Suspension UPDATE: Plan Passes 285-144
Background here.
Boehner is now speaking on the floor in favor of the plan. He thinks he has the vote and even I don't think he's stupid enough to bring this to the floor without knowing it's going to pass. But it's Boehner and the GOP, so....
House Democrat leadership is opposing the maneuver but aren't whipping against it.
Senate Democrats don't seemed too worked up about it either way, so it'll probably pass. And then....who knows.
Update (12:47 eastern): As happens often with the House, they ran long. The House is now voting on a Democratic motion to recommit with instructions that will be killed. Then they will move on to the underlying bill.
The House passed the plan with a majority of Republicans voting yes. The "Boehner Rule" of getting 1 for 1 spending cuts for hikes in the debt ceiling is dead.

posted by DrewM. at
11:53 AM
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