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January 22, 2013
ONT 1-22-13 - Stuff from My Bookmarks edition [krakatoa]
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm drinking scotch and not regretting in the least my choice to leave the tv off all day yesterday.
Today was productive. Got a lot of projects tied up. I went swimming in my lap pool. (Again - not a "1 percenter" -- just relishing what you can find in a crappy housing market.) Ate leftover smoked goods I made on Saturday. And discovered that nobody else was doing an ONT.
Lucky you, I have a lot of bookmarks for just such an occasion. And to be strictly clear, that occasion is officially known as "An ONT from the idiot that said "if nobody else volunteers, I'll do it...""
Without further ado, allow me to waste Ace's bandwidth with stuff krak thinks are worth saving.
From Work Reference Material, the subnet cheat sheet that often saves me hours of troubleshooting why the stupid server won't work with the stupid configurations that were, stupidly, provided to me.
From Travel, a site dedicated to maximizing airline miles.
In its own prominent space, a bookmark showing the location of the crankshaft position sensors on a '97 Nissan Maxima. Luckily, I already fixed the problem, as this link now gets a 404.
Hey. I didn't say they'd be useful bookmarks to anyone. Just that they were bookmarks.
From the Financial folder, a link to the Ariad board on IHUB. I'm not telling you to buy, even though I think it's going significantly higher in the next 18 months. I just want to brag that my cost-averaged price is about 3.50. It won't take me from the ranks of the "99 percent", but it is going to buy me a sweet geothermal HVAC system this year.
I'm going to throw a curve to you from the Blogs folder. It's not really a blog, but a fun lists website, dogeared on 10 fun tricks to play on your noodle.
I'm pretty sure the Ganzfeld Procedure is responsible for this:
I think credit for that pic goes to therightsphere.com, but only because that's where I found it.
I don't know what is responsible for this, but I highly recommend not visiting the NSFW main website, right here, if you ever want to enjoy a tasty breakfast at IHOP again.
The artist has a thing for pancakes and nekkid famous people, not famous people, and rodents, in sometimes compromising positions.
Under my Hokies folder, a link to my favorite fan site, The Key Play. That's not to say there aren't many fine fan sites, but this one features some really rock solid analysis in the section "French on the Bench" in particular.
Plus awesome gifs show up like this one of former walk-on fullback and Team Captain Joey Phillips, who decided to do something crazy his senior year by paying homage to Magnum T.A. with this:
Finally, from my 2012 folder, a timeless speech given by Ronaldus Maximus in which he quotes Churchill:
They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. They are wrong. There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right. Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits-not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."
Remember our duty, fellow travelers. The road is rarely smooth. The weather is often foul. The powers that be are never going to stand aside, and never will relent from the furtherence of their neo-aristocracy.
I don't particularly believe that the way forward requires new ideas, or new plans. I think it requires only duty and the fortitude to weather the storm that has come to us with determination, and if possible, with good cheer.
So a tip of my soon-to-be-refilled glass to you, compadres.
posted by Open Blogger at
09:40 PM
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