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January 16, 2013
Top Headline Comments 1-16-13
Happy Wednesday. Hey, it's Wednesday! Half over!
As expected, those ninnies in Congress passed the non-Sandy Sandy relief package last night. 49 Republicans voted in favor, including Oklahoma Reps. Tom Cole and Frank Lucas, who, if you're not from there, come from safe seats.
Allah observed that the "majority of the majority" rule appears to be dead in the House: "Looks like he’s feeling awfully good about his leverage after being reelected Speaker. Presumably tonight’s vote was his way of signaling to the tea partiers in the caucus that, if push comes to shove, he’ll let Democrats pass a debt-ceiling hike with help from Republican centrists too. "
The Navy's Littoral Combat Ship is, reportedly, a floating wreck. The first one, USS Freedom, puts to sea in two months with a host of flaws that the Navy doesn't have the money to fix.
The President will announce his gun grabbing proposal today. The NRA is prebutting it with a hard-hitting web video that blasts Obama as an "elitist," "hypocrite" who uses guns to protect his own children, but doesn't want anyone else to do the same.
Kathryn Bigelow writes about 'Zero Dark Thirty' and torture at the Los Angeles Times, and, I think, gets it mostly right.
Added: The NRCC is initially targeting seven House Democrats for the midterms. These are folks come from districts that voted for the Republican candidate in the last three elections. There's no reason Democrats should be representing districts like that.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:52 AM
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