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December 11, 2012
"There Will Be Blood:" Michigan Legislator Threatens "No Peace" if Right-To-Work Law Passed; "Demonstrators" Occupy Government Building
And here we go.
On Twitter, @stranahan is reporting some harrowing things. Americans For Prosperity had a tent up, which was torn down by union protestors; worse yet, he said there were people inside the tent when they took it down, and the "protesters" were armed with knives.
He says the "protesters" have also occupied the George Romney building, which is the Governor's main office.
Update: @scrowder (comedian Steve Crowder, who did the Bowie parody, and the "redistribution of Halloween candy" clip) was punched four times in the face during the fracas. See end of update.
Update: They broke his tooth in the beating.
Or, as the media calls it, "a mostly peaceful demonstration." That of course is JammieWF's joke.
Except it's not a joke. It's real.
Video: of the mob taking down the tent.
Gee, I wonder if Obama will caution the mob against violence. (Answer: No, he won't.)