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Overnight Open Thread (11-28-2012) »
November 28, 2012
Obama's Not Trying to Beat Problems, He's Still Trying to Destroy the GOP
The GOP seems to think that raising taxes is some kind of a solution. It's not. It's a poison pill.
Obama does in fact want to take the country over the cliff. It's win-win-win-win-win.* He gets to raise taxes (including on the middle class, which he needs to pay for his welfare state), he gets some cuts to the the military he despises, he gets cuts for Medicare (not part of his coalition), he gets to blame the GOP for all of this, and, bonus, he gets to claim the coming recession he's already engineered is the GOP's fault, too.
The GOP is in a bad situation and will try to give the store away to avoid this. We shouldn't. Let Obama have the economy he wants, and let him take responsibility for it, too.
* Update: It's a political winner until he gets his fullscale global meltdown Depression 2.0. Then we'll see how much John Q. Sixpack really loves Obama.