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November 17, 2012
Thoughts On Retrenching
This is a good item to re-read, vis-a-vis how leftists in academia steer the young generation wrong, every chance they get.
...the educational establishment not only indoctrinates students, but also openly discusses the best way to do it...
And here of course, the article from last week about teachers flocking to a marxist conference.
We keep talking about how this is cultural, not political. Oh really? We have a much longer-established cultural history as rugged individualists than squishy collectivists.
You say the culture has fallen; ok, yeah, but it was pushed!
They've been at this for fifty years. Our ace in the hole is that their ideas do not work outside academia, as most people learn- including former radicals- when they get out into the job force.
And certainly business schools do not promulgate this pap, by and large. And we have an advantage where local and state governments tend to be more conservative.
We have to find ways to encourage entrepreneurship and business education at the grassroots level. We have to encroach physically with these programs, into geographic areas currently hostile to conservative thought.
We do not need to overtly proselytize with a political message. We can be sneaky, just as leftists have been sneaky. They don't talk openly about collectivism, they try to hide it! They attract by pretending to be the elite, and by living off someone else's dime, and talking about eating the rich. These things are attractive.
Well, self-reliance and prosperity are also immensely attractive, as a cultural and practical matter, and carry natural economic theory and political payloads with them.
We can push back, guys. Ideas plus action. That parallel-institutions thing Breitbart was talking about. It's brilliant.

posted by Laura. at
12:22 PM
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