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November 16, 2012
Update: CIA Talking Points Included Strong References To Al Qaeda; The White House Stripped Them Out
Now I have to tell you I've gone a little further on that headline than the actual article does: It does not say who stripped the Al Qaeda information out of Susan Rice's talking points. Someone did, in some vague "inter-agency process," we're calling it, apparently.
I'm comfortable with my assumption. Cui bono?
It was all a lie. Not just the initial lies, but Obama's feigned outrage at being questioned about it at a debate.
I don't know if this is actually fresh information or if it was available earlier this morning, and I just missed it. But I know it's very important.
Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified in a closed-door hearing Friday morning that his agency determined immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack that "Al Qaeda involvement" was suspected -- but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed.
"No one knows yet exactly who came up with the final version of the talking points," [Rep. Peter King] said.
"His testimony today was that from the start, he had told us that this was a terrorist attack," King said, adding that he told Petraeus he had a "different recollection."
Still, the claim that the CIA's original talking points were changed is sure to stoke controversy on the Hill.
"The original talking points were much more specific about Al Qaeda involvement. And yet the final ones just said indications of extremists," King said, adding that the final version was the product of a vague "inter-agency process."
Further, King said a CIA analyst specifically told lawmakers that the Al Qaeda affiliates line "was taken out."