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Kaus: Republicans Now Rushing To Amnesty Camp »
November 09, 2012
Friday Morning News Dump
Special article: The Entire GOP Elite Seems To Be Selling Out En masse On Immigration. Boehner, Sean Hannity, Cantor, Krauthammer, etc. We cannot allow this to happen. How does it make sense to legalize a group of people who voted overwhelmingly Democrat? Do you want to make Texas a swing state? An amnesty program would be the end of the Republican party as we know it. How naive are these people? Does Sean Hannity think we'll get credit for the amnesty? Did we get credit for the 1986 amnesty or did the Democrats?
I'm all for a path to citizenship through legal channels. I'm not for granting blanket amnesty to people here illegally. I know people on our side are going to claim people like me are overreacting and that there isn't a deal on the table. Great, you trust the same people who put forth comprehensive immigration reform. I'm not. You trust that the Democrats will negotiate in good faith. I'm not.
We lost an election on Tuesday by a little more than 2 million votes. We weren't blown out. We don't need to capitulate on everything. What did the Democrats do after they lost to Bush in 2004? Remember when they helped him push through social security reform? Me neither.
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