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November 07, 2012
Cain Calls For Third Party
You know, I think this loss was bad enough that this might happen.
Of course it will be politically disastrous, but the point isn't to win elections; it's something else.
Honestly, I'm not so into politics that I give a rat's ass about these games. I don't care about being Head of the Conservative Club. I don't care much who is. Politics don't so dominate my life that I care about these things.
What I want from government is to be ignored by government, to not be burdened by government, to be free as possible from government. And that requires having people in office -- not in grandstanding, personally-benefiting clubs -- who will advance that notion.
There is a real cleavage between those who are just fascinated by political philosophy -- and who want, like the Libertarian Party, to have a little club where they can discuss how awesome their political philosophy is -- and those who are much less interested in political philosophy and really only care about political action, where the actual rubber meets the tangible road.
Herman Cain can do what he wants.
I would say this though: Some of us only push certain issues because we're in a coalition with people who care about those issues. if we're not in a coalition any longer, we no longer carry that burden.
We'll both lose, but perhaps we'll both be happier, apart, pursuing only our own narrowed agendas, living under one-party socialist rule.
We'll have lost everything in terms of actual real-world impact, but we'll each have our own no-account little clubs where we can draw up fantasy plans for a fantasy politics.
Honestly, though, I am too wondering if this marriage can be saved, and wondering if we simply need to lose for 12-16 years with third parties, until some new viable coalition forms.
It's a difficult question. I don't have a real answer. I think the uncomfortable suspicion is that we can win apart, but we also can't win together.
I'm not sure what to do about that.
I do know that any third party will hand one-party rule to the Democrats for at least 8-12 years, until a new coalition forms. As the Republicans ultimately replaced the Whigs.
It would be tough.
But who knows. Maybe we just all hate each other too much.
But I don't get this idea. We just lost with 49%; we're going to try again with 24-25%?