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Thursday Morning News Dump[Ben] »
October 25, 2012
Top Headline Comments 10-25-12
Happy Thursday.
After getting soundly mocked, CNN pulled that post on the hormone/voting study. "Some elements of the story did not meet the editorial standards of CNN."
Cable provider Armstrong Utilities, which operates in 6 states including Ohio and Pennsylvania, is offering "2016: Obama’s America" as a “Free Movie Special” to all its subscribers on-demand at no charge.
There's lots of speculation on Twitter about how bad it would be for Obama if Hurricane Sandy hit New Hampshire or Philly right around Election Day. There's no early voting in Pennsylvania, so if the storm makes voting in Philly difficult on Election Day . . . well, I expect there'll be talk of letting voting go on the next day. An explainer on why Sandy's so hard to predict right now.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:51 AM
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