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October 24, 2012
Obama, The Etch-a-Sketch Chameleon
A brief history of some (only some) of Obama's flip-flops.
This list doesn't include broken promises he abandoned for political reasons, like his vow to shutter Guantanamo, his promise to reform entitlements, or his promise to propose some kind of amnesty plan in his first year as president.
Nor his promise -- via a chart prepared for the press and public advocacy by senior economic adviser Christina Romer -- to reduce unemployment to 5.4% by now.
Nor his promise to cut Bush's $480 billion deficit in half, to $240 billion. Instead, he increased it to $1.4 trillion.
And on. And on. And on.
A Biden Flip-Flop... or senior moment. He says "Here in Iowa" while there in Ohio.