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October 04, 2012
State Department Actually Reduced Security In Benghazi?!?!
Foreign Policy President (TM).
In the six months leading up to the assault on the United States consulate in Benghazi, the State Department reduced the number of trained Americans guarding U.S. facilities in Libya, according to a leading House Republican investigating the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks. The reduction in U.S. security personnel increased America’s reliance on local Libyan guards for the protection of its diplomats.
The State Department on Wednesday didn’t respond to requests for comment. However, a senior State Department official said an independent review panel was examining the charge.
Let me explain something: You need an investigation, which may take some time, when the facts you are seeking are located in unfriendly hands or a different country.
When the facts can be obtained by walking down the hallway and knocking on the door of your office-mate, you do not need "an investigation." You need only the willingness to ask the question, and then to reveal the answer.
This is a lie. They know who ordered this. Based on their unwillingness to throw any lackeys under the bus, it almost surely came from Obama or Hillary Clinton. The two people who can't be thrown under the bus.
Hence the need for lengthy "investigations" into discussions three people (and they know who they are-- it's all on the agenda and in the emails) just months ago.
Yeah, this is like the extensive investigation Hillary required to determine if she had worked on Whitewater.