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NYT: Okay, We'll Call It a Draw »
October 04, 2012
Top Headline Comments 10-4-12
Happy Thursday.
And it is a pretty happy Thursday, no? My "instant" debate reaction is up over at NYDN. Short version: Obama was unprepared and unpresidential.
Powerline's John Hinderaker says "it's over." Well...that's a bit premature.
Chris Matthews' on-air meltdown is pretty funny. To improve, he suggests the President watch MSNBC.
Both flash polls of last nights debate say that Romney crushed Obama.
Obama spokescrunt takes a swipe at Jim Lehrer for not stopping Romney from beating up her boyfriend.
UPDATE, WATCH THIS: Oh, and it's still unlisted at YouTube, but I've got the magic link: the RNC cut a video of Obama's debate performance entitled "Smirk."

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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