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October 01, 2012
Greatest Orator Since Lincoln If Not Cicero, Who Vowed His Power of Persuasion Would Change The Trajectory of the World, Says He's Merely "Okay" At Debating, Expects Romney To Whoop Him
Obama likes them low. Obama needs them low. Because Obama's talents and achievements and character are very, very low.
n its latest effort to slap Mitt Romney's "47 percent" comment, the Obama campaign on Monday tapped a young woman with Down syndrome to pull at the heartstrings of undecided voters.
The Obama-Biden campaign's web page featured a "letter of the week" from a 25-year-old woman who wrote that "I am one of the 47% of Americans who fall under Mitt Romney's definition of 'entitled' and 'unable to take responsibility for my life.' I have Down syndrome."
And, she added, "I have also included my picture, not just because I'm cute, but because I wanted to give you a face of one of the 47% to share with Mr. Romney."
The pushback from the right is that 92% of babies diagnosed with Downs are aborted, an outcome Obama presumably supports. I'm not sure how that actually gets turned into an effective rejoinder, though.