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September 26, 2012
Second Mention: Matt Damon's Net Movie Is Going To Be Awful
Well, you knew that already, because most of his movies are awful.
But you might not have known the specifics of why his next movie would be awful. Apart from it containing more Matt Damon than a good film can reasonably be expected to bear.
This is special. From @benk84's morning headlines.
I broke the news that “Promised Land” was about fracking and now I can reveal that the script’s seen some very hasty rewriting because of real-world evidence that anti-fracking activists may be the true villains.
In courtroom after courtroom, it has been proved that anti-fracking activists have been guilty of fraud or misrepresentation.
I'm omitting the recitation of the evidence of fraud -- not because it's not important, but just because I can't quote the whole thing. Point is, the "evidence" offered by anti-frakking advocates has turned out to be fraudulent.
Worse yet, the fraud has become well known and embarrassing. So, rewrite:
These frauds and misrepresentations created huge problems for the Damon/Krasinski script[.]
So, according to sources close to the movie, they’ve come up with a solution — suggest that anti-fracking fraudsters are really secret agents employed by the fossil-fuel industry to discredit the environmental movement.
In the revised script, Damon exposes Krasinski as a fraud — only to realize that Krasinski’s character is working deep undercover for the oil industry to smear fracking opponents.
But note the revised script still has environmentalists as the good guys, and the oil companies as the bad guys. In the previous script, the oil guys were doing horrible things (frakking) and the good environmentalists were standing up them.
In the new script, the oil guys are doing horrible things -- creating a fraudulent "frakking" narrative for the environmentalists to seize upon and thereby discredit themselves -- and the environmentalists are the would-be victims of this nefarious subterfuge. Still the good guys.
As Gabe wrote about: The scripts in Hollywood and storylines in the press may change day-to-day, but the Designated Villains are always the same.