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September 21, 2012
NBC Attacks Romney As Racist, In Prime Time
This is their Saturday Night Live on Thursday night show. Which has always been a cost-saving move, putting on a cheap segment from a show they're already producing instead of buying another show (which would probably fail, like most of their shows fail).
At Newsbusters.
Boycotts never work but I really, really want to get a national boycott of NBC going. Just take them out. They're barely hanging in as a network anyway. They are ready to fall, ready to become some kind of half-network like the CW.
Just to show how obnoxious they are, last night a segment on "Rock Center" (Brian Williams' bonus-round bias show) took on "the partisan press," by which they mean FoxNews. They did throw in one CYA clip, very short, of Ed Schultz, to pretend they were offering a nonpartisan view of "the partisan press," but the overwhelming emphasis was on FoxNews. And definitely not their little demented liberal sister channel MSNBC, where "real journalists" from NBC routinely appear in order to suggest that MSNBC is a real news channel.
They are so close to bankruptcy. And they're so obnoxious. It's not that the rest of these channels aren't biased. It's just at some point we need to make an example of one of them -- I think the old expression goes pour encourager les autres (You have to hang an admiral once in a while to encourage the others).
And I don't mean boycott their news. I mean boycott everything here. The whole thing. All of it. Put it under. Bankrupt it.
More than any other channel, NBC has cast itself as the Urban Liberal Network. And they are in the ratings cellar, and have been for years.
Conservatives who like The Office are helping keep this outfit afloat. Time to pull the plug and let it all go down the drain.