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September 17, 2012
Ben Stein: It's Later In America Than We Dare Think
A very downbeat article (which begins, in earnest, on page 2; page 1 is just a travelogue).
It should scare people. And wake them up.
But think of what we have lost: I am writing this on Sunday night, September 16, 2012. The Obama administration is still apologizing to the Muslims worldwide, even in Libya even as the President of Libya says the killings there were not spontaneous but were long premeditated and the nutty movie was only a smokescreen. Our government is still saying, "Sorry," to violent mobs because an American citizen exercised his first Amendment rights. Incredibly, Jay Carney, White House spokesman, is spinning a complete fairy tale that the Islamists really like America and Mr. Obama. The murderers are just upset about a movie trailer that came out months ago. How stupid do they think we Americans are? If Mr. Obama really believes, he belongs in a straitjacket. If not, his spokesman is the biggest fantasist of all time.
Look, maybe sweet talk and apologies have a place somewhere. Maybe this should be said in private, between diplomats. But to apologize publicly to killers and arsonists over free speech in America… this isn't done… and of course the first amendment protects people outside the mainstream. Tom Paine, Samuel Adams, John Adams -- these were considered nuts by the British. The whole idea is to protect all speech.
And in Barack Obama's America, the man who made the movie is brought in for law enforcement questioning. This really happened just yesterday.
And Mr. Barack Obama will be President for four more years and then quite possibly Mrs. Clinton, arch apologist for American values, for years afterwards.
When republics fall, it's not always slow. It can be like slamming a door.
It is later than any dare think.