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Overnight Open Thread (9-12-2012) »
September 12, 2012
Michelle Malkin's Epically Righteous Fury at Barack Obama's Incompetence
She's angry.
The media, meanwhile, is continuing to "ask questions" about the timing of Romney's statement, rather than the timing of military force to the area.
Yeah, Obama's ordered them in now. To make sure no one steals the dead bodies, I guess.
Would have been more helpful when they were alive. I don't know if dead bodies are really in great danger of being stolen.
But questions like "What should have been done to avert this?" are so Old Media. The New Media is all What Can We Do For Obama Today.
Today, four Americans dead in brutal assault in Al Qaeda stronghold of Benghazi. They were slaughtered while sitting in an unfortified consulate, defenseless.
When we return -- how this will impact Obama's chances in Ohio!
Obama Throws Cairo Embassy Under The Bus: We didn't do it! It was unauthorized!
So it appears that everyone agrees with Romney that the statement was wildly inappropriate.
So, um, what was today's temper tantrum by the media all about?