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September 12, 2012
Is This For Real? DNC Puts a Retired Navy 4 Star on Stage with a Pic of Russian Ships Behind Him?
As the expression goes, you gotta be f'n kiddin me here.
Well, it's from the Navy Times. I presume they would know.
“The ships are definitely Russian,” said noted naval author Norman Polmar after reviewing hi-resolution photos from the event. “There’s no question of that in my mind.”
Naval experts concluded the background was a photo composite of Russian ships that were overflown by what appear to be U.S. trainer jets. It remains unclear how or why the Democratic Party used what’s believed to be images of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at their convention.
I have no idea. Maybe a photo of a Navy Corpseman would have been a better backdrop.
via the scary brown dude Tushar over at the Splitters.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:06 AM
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