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September 11, 2012
In Cairo, "Protesters" Scale Wall of US Embassy, Tear Down US Flags
Remember, Obama's now running as the Foreign Policy President.
Update at 2:07 p.m. ET: CNN reports that U.S. security guards fired a volley of warning shots as the crowd gathered outside the embassy walls.
CNN adds that the embassy had been expecting a demonstration and cleared all diplomatic personnel earlier from the facility.
Original post: The Associated Press reports that embassy officials say there was no staff inside at the time.
Reuters reports that protesters tried to raise a black flag carrying the slogan: "There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger."
Change without hope.
This is apparently about a film, which I don't see actually linked, and which may not even actually exist, which shows Mohammad, who married a 9 year old, having sex, which makes it a "desecration" of a "sanctity," or something.
The US embassy of course released a statement condemning the film (which, again, I'm not even sure even exists):
"We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others," the U.S. embassy said in its statement.
This just encourages them. Violence works. Why shouldn't they continue?
Meanwhile, The Foreign Policy President (TM) has refused to a request by Netanyahu for a meeting.

Note the mask warn by the "protester" at top right.
A Guy Fawkes mask, so beloved by Occupy.