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September 05, 2012
Six O'Clock Stupid
Guy stages his own elaborate death-by-car-crash, including bloody gore, to show his girlfriend how much she'd miss him if he were dead.
Then he proposes.
Then when I saw Alexey covered in blood lying in the road a paramedic told me he was dead and I just broke down in tears.”
Then Alexey “miraculously” rose from the dead, and proposed to Irina. And for some stupid, stupid reason, she said yes.
People aren't thinking right when they're in shock.
Legos are sexist for putting out Legos intended to appeal to girls (which do in fact appeal to girls; sales are high).
But they reinforce gender stereotypes or something so we all have to rub our chins and say how terrible it all is.
Here's something I don't get: Check the comments, where a bunch of bien pensants are weighing in with their dreary O What Hath Become of Us burblings. They're going on and on specifically about the use of the color pink in the line.
They're really, really anti-pink.
Now, riddle me this: Why are the same people, so opposed the color pink in toys for very small girls, dressing up in pink t-shirts and vagina costumes?
There is a curious inversion here, is there not? They demand that tiny little girls have the sophisticated tastes of adults, while indulging their own childish impulses for pink.
Why can't an eight year old girl like pink, but a 58-year-old professional activist won't shut up about pink?
I'm really very baffled by this amazing inversion that goes on in lefty politics. It is a well-nigh ubiquitous trope of the left that Children should be treated as adults but adults must behave as children.
Finally, a liberal wife throws away her husband's absentee ballot because she knows he's voting Republican. See, it was the moral, ethical thing to do.
This is of course another trope, perhaps the worst of all: The Ends Justify the Means.
Moral and ethical behavior begins on a personal level. You cannot justify theft, vandalism, and dishonesty by claiming these things serve a Higher Political Purpose.
No. Every human being's first responsibility is to be a good human being. If one's devotion to a Political Cause trumps his devotion to being good as a human being, on human terms, as regards the respect he shows for other human beings, that person is a sociopath using politics to justify his pathologies.
Abstraction is one of the mind's most powerful tools. It permits us to build bridges and skyscrapers and rocket ships to the moon.
It also permits us to decide things like One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is just a statistic.
Any philosophy which has cleaved from a regard for good behavior and good will towards one's fellow human beings will, inevitably, result in crimes, viciousness, and ultimately mass murder, if permitted to fester.
It has every single time before. it continues doing so now.
Speaking of Stupid: I was just writing, a few weeks ago, that "undecided" voters are 1, mostly decided and 2, hesitant about saying so because they haven't done their homework, and they know it, so they are reluctant to give an answer (having not done their homework). And they excuse their own failure to do their homework by blaming the candidates, saying things like, "I want them to explain their plan to me, I want more information, I want facts not negative ads."
Well, Frank Luntz was just focus-grouping some undecideds. The whole article is worth reading (though it just confirms what I keep saying), but I found this precious:
In many cases, they even seem to be fooling themselves about being undecided — a point Luntz made by laughingly taking on a man in the group who had many complaints about Obama , a slew of compliments for Romney, yet insisted that he didn’t know how he’d vote in the end.
Luntz also called members of the focus group, sponsored by the University of Phoenix, a bunch of hypocrites: “Almost half of you didn’t watch [Romney’s Tampa acceptance] speech and you’re telling me you want more information?”
No, they don't want more information. This is just the lie they tell themselves, and tell anyone else who asked, when confronted on why they have been so dilatory on doing their civic duty as Americans.
Given that Romney's speech was on all three networks, and all the news networks, they had to work pretty hard to miss it. And they did.