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Sunday Morning Book Thread 06-24-2012: Revisionism Edition [OregonMuse] »
June 24, 2012
BREAKING: Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Wins Egyptian Presidency
So...that's swell.
Stand by for more.
Egyptians had two bad options and they took one. Of course there's no Parliament or constitution so the military is still running the show to a very significant degree. Still, it shows the direction the people of Egypt want to go in and this is the beginning not the end of the Muslim Brotherhood's push for control.
I guess they and Syria didn't get the memo that we are pivoting to Asia and China.
Wouldn't want to be a Coptic Christian in Egypt today.
Non-expert opinion: The military is trying to hold sway over things as long as they can and try and co-opt the Brotherhood. The reality is, revolutionary movements like the Brotherhood don't see elections as a charge to govern but an opportunity to increase power. Morsi will sound conciliatory and such but will leverage this victory to increase pressure on the military and to exercise greater control than whatever formal power he winds up.
Lots of optimistic talk among the usual suspects on CNN...the Muslim Brotherhood will be different or something. Personally, I think they've stood for things for decades, it seems insanely naive to think that they will suddenly moderate in victory.

posted by DrewM. at
10:32 AM
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