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June 19, 2012
Top Headline Comments 6-19-12
Happy Tuesday.
ABC News has sources that say Sen. Rubio has not been asked to complete any questionnaires or been asked to turn over any financial documents typically required of potential vice presidential candidates. Conclusion? He's not on the VP short list. There's a bit of hedging since we are, after all, two months out from the convention.
Speaker Boehner and Sen. Lieberman not only managed to save the D.C. voucher program, but expanded it, in response to President Obama's attempt to kill it completely. The continued vitality of the program was important to students and parents. It was also important because it is one of the longest-running school choice programs, which means it has the most robust data showing that school choice has better outcomes than just giving lump sums to the teachers unions. There was some indication that Obama was trying to kill it for that reason alone.
While you were sleeping, the Senate managed to wrangle a possible way forward for the stalled farm bill. Even if the Senate manages to pass it, however, the House would have to get on board.
ICYMI yesterday, the Roger Clemens steroid perjury retrial ended yesterday with a very fast jury verdict of not guilty. Big waste of time, but I hope we've all learned a Very Important Lesson about maybe-lying to Congress, mmkay?
Newark Mayor Cory Booker is still grovelling after getting called on the carpet for derailing the President's attack on private equity.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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