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June 01, 2012
Romney Wins Critical Endorsement
A Stunning Blow To Obama's Campaign
Five months off, but I think we can say it's pretty much over, folks. No way the Obama team overcomes this one. Holy moly, what a week we've had!
Anyway, to the point of the post:
Former Braves Pitcher who is known only for a racist outburst thirteen years ago endorses Mitt Romney.
I think you can all appreciate how HUGE this news is. Much appreciation to Amy Bingham of ABC News for her admirable work in bird-dogging this important tidbit down for us.
Looking forward to five more months of this pathetic, laughable bullshit.
Hey, you know who not only endorses Barack Obama, but kept company with him, Amy?
Terrorists like Bill Ayers, who detonated lethal bombs in the United States for the express purpose of overthrowing our Constitutional republic. And people who threw bags of feces and urine at peace officers in an American city, Amy. That's who.
Do you really want to play the guilt-by-endorsement game...with a candidate like yours? Really?
Oh, please don't throw us in that briar patch, Br'er Fox!
H/T to Skinbad.

posted by Laura. at
09:14 PM
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