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April 30, 2012
Freedom Tower Nearing Completion
This isn't really news, but it's worth mentioning.
I'm going to bold-face some words from this story.
“We’re looking to maximize revenue and maximize the reputation of 1 World Trade Center,” Douglas Durst, who is building the Freedom Tower in partnership with the Port Authority, told The Post.
The antenna business alone could easily rake in $10 million in revenue, estimates show.
“You’ve got to get people back to thinking of the trade center not as a site of an attack but as a center of commerce,” said one person who has been involved with the reconstruction of lower Manhattan.
“You’ve got to think about it as a real-estate thing. And real estate is transactional — it’s about competition and retail and tourists.”
I don't know these people's politics. Given where they live, and their income level, I would put money on them being liberal Democrats.
So here's why I bolded those words:
The left frequently speaks as if Commerce Is Theft.
And yet here you have people, who I would bet are liberal, speaking of commerce and competition and "maximizing" revenue as if, get this, those are good things.
You will often hear Hollywood people demanding tax breaks for local production. Otherwise, they say, they cannot profitably make movies in the US, and will film them in Canada.
And then, having pronounced that Taxation Reduces Economic Activity, they will turn around and donate $1 million to Barack Hussein Obama.
In their hearts they know these things the left claims -- Commerce Is Theft, Profit Is Evil -- are false. In their daily lives, they know this.
But at voting time, they counterfeit their beliefs. They convince themselves that even though they know Profit is Not Evil, good people speak falsehoods, and good people declare things which are false to be true.
It's not true-- but good people insist it is. And so they do.
Very strange self-deception. And to what end? In what code is falsehood superior to truth?
Below, video of the tower, lower levels mostly finished, top levels still needing their skin.