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April 29, 2012
Sunday Morning Book Thread 04-29-2012: The Bear Necessities Edition [OregonMuse]
Good morning, morons and moronettes. I don't know about you, but I can't get enough of that falling bear pic lauraw posted earlier this week. So here it is again:

"Don't tase me, bro!"
I swear I crack up every time I look at it. That bear looks like it's being bounced around on a trampoline, like this is some modern version of bear baiting.
The artist formerly known as Sgt. Mom on 'Sgt. Stryker's Daily Brief' blog is a fine writer, and she likes to write historical fiction about the American Frontier. Here are some examples:
To Truckee's Trail.
Daughter of Texas
Deep in the Heart
She also has a couple of collections of her Sgt. Mom columns which are also available in Kindle editions.
What am I reading? Book 2 of the dragon tattoo series. I learned this week that Stieg Larsson died in 2004 and they found the manuscripts for the Millennium series only afterwards. There's supposedly a fourth manuscript that the family isn't releasing until they feel they can get a large enough buttload of kroners for it. I'm skeptical about this, but what do I know?
Also, according to Wikipedia, Larsson was a rat bastard commie. I mean, he wasn't just a fashionably Marxist academic, but was actually affiliated with or a member of Swedish rat bastard commie organizations. I didn't know this, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When he died, his live-in girlfriend produced a will (eventually invalidated by a Swedish court) that left all of his money and possessions to one of the Swedish rat bastard commie organizations.
So that's all I got.
As always, book thread tips may be sent to aoshqbookthread@gmail.com
So what has everyone else been reading this week? Something good, I hope.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:57 AM
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