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April 24, 2012
Top Headline Comments 4-24-12
Happy Tuesday.
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings got $9.3 million last year for being a huge screw-up. Netflix stock dropped 77% amid Hastings' failed attempt to spin off the company's DVD rental business and to implement a fee increase.
A group of venture capitalists are, according to rumors, announcing a new private space program today, with the aim of mining an asteroid or asteroids in space. Big unanswered legal question: can people own objects in space?
The EEOC has ruled that gender-identity discrimination is prohibited under Title VII. The ruling will be binding on the EEOC and all federal departments and agencies.
Californians will vote on a ballot measure in November that would abolish the death penalty and set the maximum sentence under California law as life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Game developers adjust to digital distribution, as game publishers, hardware makers, and retail stores have a collective freak-out.
Oh, and it is another primary day. Delegates from New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island and Connecticut are up for grabs.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:51 AM
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