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"If I Wanted America To Fail..." (Repost) »
April 23, 2012
Top Headline Comments 4-23-12
Happy Frozen Monday. It's darn cold out today.
Just one item from me this morning: the Obama Admin is vowing to continue a Medicare "bonus" program that the GAO is saying is just a costly pay-off, with no real benefit.
Remember how Republicans were hitting Obama for cutting Medicare as part of the overall Obamacare package? He didn't like that (the truth hurts); so he claimed that he had the authority to simply give $8 billion in "bonus" payments to certain Medicare providers. It wasn't political, he claimed; just a means of incentivising plans to cut costs.
You read that right. Giving bonuses to nearly all plans somehow causes them to cut costs. Like magic.
The administration is defending the program, saying that without the bonuses many plans wouldn't have an incentive to improve quality.
Does. Not. Compute. Liberals really are the dumbest people on the Earth.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:48 AM
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