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Late afternoon/early evening open thread [OregonMuse] »
April 15, 2012
The Bacon Thread: Bacon∞
I was going to do a review of Burger King's Bacon Sundae, as I have already reviewed it's evolutionary ancestor at Denny's, but as I am stuck on Atkins, I had to think more outside of the box.
As a man fascinated by both infinite regression and bacon, I have often wondered how many baconbaconbaconlayers one could achieve. I am not the first man to think of this:
But I am curious if a practical bacon
baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon or higher is possible. Much like the riddle of how many times you can fold a piece of paper, is there a real limit to how much bacon can go within bacon? I'll open the floor to the morons in my quest to achieve the highest practical layer of bacon
x possible; and I will cook, eat, and review it here on a future bacon thread. In case you doubt my digestive abilities, I remind you I made my own bacon latte with a substance that shall forever haunt my better half's memory, "bacon-milk".
For clarity, the ideal bacon-within-bacon would use as many different kinds of bacon as possible, without the end product falling apart.