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Obama Proposes Buffet Rule Just As He No Longer Would Be Hit By It »
April 13, 2012
Top Headline Comments 4-13-12
Happy Friday.
Mad scientists in France are teaching baboons to recognize words. The end of our civilization cannot be far behind.
Republicans AND Democrats panned Gov. Deval Patrick's clumsy attempt to insert himself into the presidential election yesterday. He held a hasty "anniversary party" for MassCare and failed to invite that law's key authors. It really was just an opportunity for Patrick to go on TV and audition for a Cabinet role in the next Obama term.
The Justice Department is beefing up its trial team in the Roger Clemens steroid perjury retrial. In other words, the retrial of the failed prosecution will cost taxpayers even more than the first bullshit trial. FLASHBACK: "U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton declared a mistrial last July on only the second day of testimony, after prosecutors showed jurors evidence that had been ruled inadmissible." If it were really illegal to lie to Congress, the President would be in jail by now.
The Obama campaign folks must be ready to scream. The plan for this week was to hit the GOP hard on the Buffett Rule and "fairness." It was going to be the drum beat all week long. Obama had a speech scheduled every day for it---sometimes more than one. But you wouldn't know it from most media coverage. Obama's blather was pushed aside every day. Zimmerman took up two days. Santorum took another. Yesterday was Rosen. And now Obama's big Buffett Rule blitz is officially "old news." The Obama camp really won't like the Third Way poll that Allah wrote about yesterday.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:49 AM
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