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April 09, 2012
It's "Game On" At Obama's Chicago Campaign HQ, If the Game You're Playing is "Whites-Only Dungeons & Dragons"
John Derbyshire just had the "Talk" with his kids.
He said they could work for Obama 2012.
Buzzfeed's very comfortable Obama's Campaign HQ.
As well they should be. They look just like Ben Smith's prep school's AV team.
“There is a very, very good feeling here,” David Axelrod, Obama’s senior advisor, told BuzzFeed.
Indeed! That feeling? The ineluctable frisson one gets from knowing that everyone around you watches Downton Abbey, or maybe even appeared as an extra in a fox-hunting scene on Downton Abbey, or actually was born and raised at Downton Abbey.
Top Ten Things Almost As White As Obama's Campaign HQ Staff
10. The Annual Frasier Cosplay Convention
9. People who buy CDs from Starbucks; also, people who buy biscottis from Starbucks; also, Starbucks
8. An National Hockey League line, doing a line dance in honky-tonk in White Line, Michigan, after doing lines of the purest cocaine, and then standing in line for Bocephus tickets
7. An eggwhites-only omelete, covered in mozzarella and white truffles, made by a Racist Short Order Cook named Kyle
6. A Wonder Bread & Mayonnaise sandwich, crust off
5. The officer corps of the Galactic Imperial Fleet
4. A snowman with a black tear tattoo
3. The racist Whitesnake tribute band, Aryan Sex Dragon
2. Beneath the wild thosta of mangy, unkempt hair -- Rosie O'Donnell's egg-shaped frontbutt
...and the number one thing almost as white as Obama's Campaign HQ...
1. The liberal editorial staff at Buzzfeed, who at no point in this process wondered where the black and Hispanic staffers were
Thanks to Phil from TN and the cobloggers for the tip and for inspiration for the list. This is now the fourth one of these top tens I've done. Hard to keep coming up with white things.