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April 05, 2012
Open Thread-Update: Now The Official Overnight Open Thread
Please stand by while we work on some technical difficulties.
Update: Now with like 100% less content...because sometimes less is more.
Update: CAC here. I have been posting a daily projection on the sidebar for a few weeks now. Today I've modified it so you can see how 10 specific swing states are leaning: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, and Iowa. Should be pretty self explanitory, and their changing colors will correlate in the above number, showing Obama and Romney's electoral totals (and has tossup EV's sandwiched in-between). They are also organized from most Democratic to most Republican within their respective colors. So right now, Pennsylvania is less favorable to Obama than, say, Nevada or Virginia. The rest is pretty self explanatory. I will be updating Monday through Friday.

posted by DrewM. at
09:13 PM
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