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April 05, 2012
"Olbermann Broadcasting Empire" Vs. Current TV
It's a PDF I can't copy and past from but I've been putting them on my Twitter feed.
First and best part? The name of Olbermann's company is, "Olbermann Broadcasting Empire". Seriously, it is.
Right now the extent of the "Olbermann Broadcasting Empire" is Keith on a park bench yelling at the pigeons about Bush lying us into war or something. The bird's just want the bread crumbs Keith.
Some highlights from Olbermann's suit and occasional snark from me.
Olby says Fred Hyatt wanted to be Olby's friend but "Olbermann did not reciprocate Hyatt's advances" and then Olby was punished.
"Olbermann thought he made a deal with a legitimate network but instead go an unprofessional cable-access show". Olby never watched Current?
.@keitholbermann's lawsuit reads like a Special Comment. If only he could deliver it with dramatic camera turns.
I wonder how many legal documents actually contain the phrase "too little, too late" like Olby's lawsuit does.
Hmmm...@keitholbermann says his company's "primary asset is the artistic services of Keith Olbermann". Not newsman, performance artist.
"Hyatt behaved as if he had just paid Olbermann to become his puppet instead of the Chief News Officer". Come on that was a goofy tile.
"Stunningly, Al Gore's network was not interested in establishing a strong internet presence" Cause he invented it @Keitholbermann?
"Olbermann opined to Bohrman that ["Young Turk Cenk] Uygur had difficulty separating facts from things he wanted to be true" Blue on Blue!
Olbermann objected to use of his likeness to promote The Young Turks & The War Room because he "believed they were low quality programs"
"In a "Keystone Kops" move that was emblematic of standard operating procedure at Current...." You can't make this stuff up.
Wow, @keitholbermann says it was "disparaging" for Current to say he was "replaceable". Dude, you're replaceable. Ask ESPN and MSNBC.
Olby is upset that Current described him "as a difficult employee". Gee, no one has ever said that about @keitholbermann before now.
Oh my. "Olbermann is a person of unquestionable integrity who feels a genuine sense of duty to his audience and believes in the causes for which he advocates on his program" I seem to recall his "integrity being questioned before.
That's only up to page 28 of 44, there's got to be more in there. I wonder if it ends, "Good night and good luck".
The whole thing is begging for a dramatic reading take down.
It's very possible that Current did break the contract but the fact that Olbermann was stupid enough to go to a network no one watched and then was shocked to find out it was a rinky-dink operation it pretty funny.

posted by DrewM. at
08:00 PM
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