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April 04, 2012
The "Most Dishonest, Demagogic, And Bitterly Partisan Speech" Of Obama's Presidency?
Yesterday Obama spoke to Associated Press' annual national meeting. When he wasn't giving them tips on the appropriate way to cover him, he was disgracing himself.
Guy Benson did his best to rundown as much of the BS from the speech as possible but it would take an entire book to get it all.
His unserious caricature of free market capitalism is hardly worth responding to. It's the equivalent of a petulant Republican president standing up and saying the Democrat vision for the country is to transform it into a North Korea-style police state. This brand of rhetoric is below the presidency, but has never been below this president. The 2001 and 2003 tax cuts helped pull America out of the recession that President Bush inherited. It led to more than 50 consecutive months of job growth and declining deficits (prior to the 2008 crisis) -- even as we spent heavily on two wars. President Obama is asking Americans to turn their backs on the "bad old days" of 5.3 percent unemployment (Bush's average) and annual deficits that look like foothills compared to today's Obama-institutionalized Himalayas of red ink. And does this president really want to gripe about previous "slow job growth"?
Lots more dismantling of Obama's strawman massacre pretending to be a speech at the link. I'm no fan of Mitt Romney (no, it's true) but he damn well better be up to the drill and beat this idiot.
One "funny" part of the speech was Obama going after Romney for using the word "marvelous".
One of my potential opponents, Governor Romney, has said he hopes a similar version of this plan [the Ryan Budget] from last year would be introduced as a bill on day one of his presidency. He says he's very supportive of this new budget and he even called it marvelous -- which is a word you don't often hear when it comes to describing the budget. [laughter] It's a word you don't often hear generally. [Laughter].
Ah, that's quite the knee slapper there!
This of course got liberal hack Tommy Christopher all excited...look Obama is race-baiting Romney! Isn't it wonderful?
Now, on the surface, this appears to just be a jab at Romney’s reputation as an owner’s box-dwelling, out of touch Monopoly guy who can’t connect with voters. But is it possible there’s more to it? Has the Obama campaign made a conscious decision to draw a contrast between stiff, uber-Caucasian Romney and their looser, more relatable candidate? Can we look forward to jokes about Romney’s lack of rhythm, or hyper-vigilant style of driving?
No, it hasn’t, but as much of a reach as this whole theory is, who wouldn’t absolutely love to hear the right wing try to make that case?
I love the last line. Christopher writes a whole post about how awesome that line was and how only a crank conservative would claim Obama is making a race based appeal. The only problem with Tommy's theory is no one on the right said anything like that. In fact, Christopher is the only person I've seen equate "Marvelous" with "White guy". but then he denies it's his theory, just that of non-existant conservatives.
I don't think Obama was doing anything of the sort, I think he was just being a jackass. Christopher however obviously wishes Obama was doing it and was willing to goose along the idea all while being to cowardly to admit it's his pet theory.
Oh and if using "marvelous" makes you a "stiff, uber-Caucasian", meet Barack Obama, the whitest man in the world.

posted by DrewM. at
11:30 AM
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