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March 28, 2012
No Seriously? If ObamaCare Falls, Liberals May Push For Even Greater Government Control
If ObamaCare fails they'll do that; if ObamaCare stands they'll do that.
Either way. Government control, baby.
But I guess this is a threat or something.
If Democrats make little progress on alternatives, some purists might decide it’s best to just renew the case for a single-payer system in which all Americans receive health care paid for by the government.
Sidney M. Wolfe, the director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen, an advocacy group, has been pushing for government-run health care for decades.
In an interview Tuesday, Mr. Wolfe said a ruling against the current law could help spark a renewed drive for a system that essentially expanded Medicare into a program for everyone, not just the elderly.
“If this is what happens, it may offer more incentive to say let’s decide once and for all that health care is a right,” Mr. Wolfe said. “It will certainly present an opportunity to a number of people.”
Yeah. That's likely. Having suffered a historic drubbing in 2010, and with ObamaCare as unpopular as ever, I totally believe your threat that if I don't let baby have his ObamaCare bottle, he'll just have to go Single Payer on my ass.