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MSM: "We'll furnish the War." [krakatoa] »
March 23, 2012
Frankenstein Turns Two [Truman North]
I am really surprised that the blog here allowed the second anniversary of the passage of Obamacare to pass without any sort of comemmoration at all.
While pretty much everything democrats said about it was a lie, and pretty much everything its opponents said about it has come true, there's one group that's left out of that prognosticating checklist: House Republicans.
On several occasions, and as recently as a year ago, the leadership have promised to defund the fluker. As the holders of the federal purse strings, they had every ability to just. not. pay. for. its. implementation.

But as you may have already realized, implementation proceeds apace.
In other words, they fluking lied about it. THIS. The whole reason they're +67 House seats and closed the gap in the Senate.
We as a nation didn't send them there out of some sense of fairness or because we're feeling better about the color red on our electoral maps than we did in 2008. We sent them there to stop this fluker.
And in the one capacity where they could have done so, no questions asked, they simply failed to act.
If you were to ask Bone-Or and Can't-Or about it, they might candidly tell you that they didn't think it was a wise move because they would then be blamed for "shutting down the government" when the Senate and president and especially the blood-libel media pitched a fit over it. Yes, Bone-Or and Can't-Or probably would be blamed for it.
But that's what we sent you to do, your equivocating, feckless pantywaists: Stop it or die trying. Stop it. Or die trying.
This kind of political cowardice is unacceptable. It's the reason I am personally bearish on the prospect of the Republicans spending any political capital whatsoever in an attempt to repeal Obamacare. It's why when we hear the term "repeal and replace," depsite the fact nobody outside of the Beltway wants it replaced by anything any federal actor might come up with. They continue to insist upon the term. Even the Tea Party reps use it. Almost as if they've already given up on the prospect of just getting out of the way.
"Almost"? No. They haven't given up on the idea, because they've never contemplated it. They've never contemplated giving up power, just like Megan McCain has never contemplated going through the day without carrying an extra bag of chocolate muffins in her pocket, just in case.
I'm hoping the question ain't rhetorical: if House Republicans won't stand up to Obamacare now, then when?

posted by Open Blogger at
08:06 AM
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