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March 22, 2012
Sandra Fluke: Gee Willickers, No, I Didn't Know Target Sold Birth Control Pills for $9/Month Within 3 Miles of My Broad Ass
She then disputes the relevance of that.
By asserting, with no citation to any source, that she's "informed" that some people with a conveniently-unnamed "genetic" disease can't take those particular pills (which ones? there are a lot of different types available at that price) but must take pills costing "$1500 per year."
Look, as a blogger, sometimes I, well, I don't make things up, but I pass things along without verification.
If I started telling Jake Tapper or anyone in the media things I'd been "informed of" by unnamed people in my comments, would they take it seriously?
No. They'd ignore it. People tell stories. People's stories tend to be those that push their agenda. Absent verification, they're just stories.
Has Jake Tapper or anyone else in the media checked Fluke's main claim -- that many insurance policies won't cover hormonal therapy when prescribed for medical reasons?
Because that's her big claim -- that while birth control per se might be cheap, some women have rare "genetic" diseases requiring birth control hormones for medical purposes, but insurers won't cover these costs. (These are the only conceivable truly high costs of "birth control.")
And yet, has she named a single policy or provider which maintains this bizarre scheme?
And I asked her on Twitter.
She refused comment.